Daily Refreshment for Your Face

Let’s get down to business.

Now that recruitment is over, my face, wardrobe and life finally have the chance to take a serious breather. After constant makeup & my hair being done *cough cough fried* every day, I think I deserve a product detox.

My favorite face routine consists of the following:

I start off with Ponds brand face wipes – the purple pack is my personal fave – they smell great, work well, and are gentle on your face. Definitely worth splurging on over any generic brand.

Following, I use Cetaphil brand face wash (personally I use the kind for combination/oily skin). Once again, it’s gentle and so worth the cost. If the cost of the name brand is too high for you, this is one of those things I would definitely say you can use the generic for – it works just as well as “the real thing.” I used to use “acne prevention” face washes, toners, moisturizers, and everything else under the sun, but honestly all they did was dry out my face. Cetaphil has been the most consistent & effective wash for a constant clear face.

Depending on how I’m feeling, I’ll use a charcoal based face mask. The current brand I have is Giovanni, but anything well do. I like something with charcoal in it because it helps to clarify your skin and draw out impurities. If you’re not a fan of charcoal, no worries! Anything works as long as it gets you to relax.

After rinsing the mask off (or washing my face if I don’t use a mask) I use my Neutrogena brand daily moisturizer with SPF 15 in it. This is my GO-TO moisturizer for everything. Again, I use for combination/oily skin, but that’s just me, so do what works for you!


SO. Takeaways:

  1. It’s worth it to splurge on the “nicer” makeup remover wipes – they’re much more effective when it comes to actually taking off your makeup and gentler on your face to freshen you up. If you want them to last longer, do what my wonderful friend Co does & rip them in half – you double the quantity instantly!
  2. Cleanse cleanse cleanse. You don’t have to use an intense “acne prevention” face wash to have a clear face.
  3. Go for a mask every once in a while! It seems silly, but it really is refreshing and they draw out lots of icky impurities (especially if you use one that’s charcoal based).
  4. Moisturize with something that has some amount of SPF. You need to protect your skin & beautiful face on the daily. It’s worth it. You’re worth it.IMG_0522

Moisturizer not pictured, but you can find it here.

Less Money More Love,


3 Comments Add yours

  1. Liz says:

    Great blog Alyssa. I just also learned of a free app called skin deep that provides ratings on chemicals in products. Also helpful to checkout. I was surprised by what was in some of the popular products. You are right that you don’t have to spend a lot.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Christina Rasmussen says:

    Very nicely written.


  3. This was great to read because I also was apart of recruitment and it really took a toll on my skin wearing that much makeup daily. It was so nice for my skin to finally take a breather afterwards, I didn’t wear makeup for a straight week!

    Liked by 1 person

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